By Marc Dagenais
Do you want to produce more runs for your team? Do you want to have the ability to keep the ball out of your opponent's reach every time you hit the ball?
Then you must work on your softball hitting techniques. Each player have his own unique way of approaching how to hit the ball, but there are some techniques that will help you improve your batting much better.
Want to know what these hitting techniques are? Then read on and find out more about them.
Let's begin with the grip. You might not be aware of it, but the way how you grip the bat can have a significant impact on where and how far the ball will go.
There are many players who tend to choke the bat thinking it would provide them with more control and power when they hit the ball. But that isn't the case, unfortunately. When you grip the bat too tightly, you will reduce the power of your batting, unless of course that's what you're aiming for.
But if you want to bring the ball further out of the field, your grip must be loose. You must hold the bat with your fingers and not with your palms. Also make your wrists a little more flexible to further loosen your grip on the bat.
The way you swing the bat will also affect how far out you can take the ball when you hit it. Although it may seem that swinging is largely dependent on your arms and shoulders, the foundation of a good swing begins with your legs and hips. So keep in mind how you bend your knees and rotate your hips when hitting the ball.
Of course, your shoulders do play an important role in your swing as well. When trying to hit the ball, your shoulders must remain relaxed. This will help you keep your eyes on the approaching ball better and you will have more control of your swing.
Follow Through
A lot players cut their swing short just after they've hit the ball. But you must always follow through whenever you hit the ball, as it can help you get the ball further compared to stopping your swing abruptly.
To get a good follow through with your swing, you should let your arms extend and your wrists roll over, with your hands ending near your front shoulder and your chin on the back shoulder.
If you're not practicing your follow through just yet, I strongly recommend that you do so. Because as much as it seems insignificant on how you hit the ball, the truth is that you can drive the ball further with a good follow through.
So let me sum up for you the softball hitting techniques I discussed in this article. If you want to be able to hit the ball further and harder, you should keep in mind to keep your grip on the bat loose, your swing should begin with your legs and hips, and finally, you must always follow your bat through.
Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
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