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Coach a Team, Not a Star

Coach a Team, Not a Star
By Stacie Mahoe
When you begin holding practices for a new season, it's tempting, as a coach, to identify and the strongest players and really work with them and move at their pace.
However, focusing in on just a handful of talented individuals sends a clear message to the rest of the team. It says that you care most about the win and the rest of them are largely immaterial to your plans. These kids end up arriving at practice everyday feeling like practice dummies set up just to support the all-stars of the team. Feeling like practice was not made for them - they just can't keep up.
Make practice easier on you and use a "cookie cutter" approach to each player. Or, do what's best for each person on your team and take the time to help them all progress as much as possible. Every player on the field needs to benefit from equal amounts of training from day one. Each player must feel like they personally benefit from every practice and bring something to the team that is valued by the coaching staff. No matter the skill level each player has a role. Each player can contribute. It's your job to bring that out of them.
If Hollywood has taught us anything about sports, in movies like 'Remember the Titans' and 'Friday Night Lights' it's that putting all of your eggs into one basket is bad strategy. Your success as a coach should rise and fall on your team, not on one or two superstars.
How can you avoid making this classic coaching mistake? Start with your words.
Sit down with your coaching staff ahead of time and lay out your expectations for the season. Let them know that you will identify strengths in each player but, as a staff, you will not verbally or otherwise classify players in a way that causes any one player to stand out above the rest or causes another player to stand out for lack of ability.
And, this is important: the "gag rule" applies on the field and off.
By presenting a united front and lifting up the value of the team as a whole, you send a message to players, parents, and spectators alike.
As a coach, you will provide positive feed back and do have to offer criticism when it's due. But hear the difference between these comments:
"You picked that up very well, good job!" or "Yes! You're the best player we've ever had!"
"That was a little slow; let's be a little quicker next time" or "What's the matter with you? Do you have molasses in your blood?"
The first examples are straight forward and to the point, giving credit where it's due and acknowledging a short fall when necessary. The second examples are inappropriate and extreme. You may feel that an exceptional player deserves a few extra strokes but if she is especially skilled, you can be sure that she knows it already. Players that struggle are equally aware of how they fall short. You don't need to embarrass them in front of an audience.
You'll be amazed at how changing how you speak about your team affects how the team responds to you, to your staff, and to each other. I know as a coach it feels so good to just rail into players when they play horribly. But I've personally played under both types of coaches. The type that let's you hear it every time you mess up and rarely gives you more than a lift of the head of you do what you're supposed to; and the type that doesn't yell, uses constructive criticism, and acknowledges good plays and a job well done. I never learned or grew more as a player than I did under that non-yelling coach. Remember, a player that feels respected and valued works harder than a practice dummy any day of the week.
by Stacie Mahoe
Owner of All About Fastpitch
Pick up Stacie’s Free "Special Report" on Coaching
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Friday, March 19, 2010
Free Softball Hitting Drills

Top 5 Softball Hitting Drills
Dec 28, 2008 ... This article has the top five softball hitting drills to improve your performance at the plate. These hitting drills have been proven to ...
Drills and Activities to Improve Softball Pitching
May 28, 2009 ... Drills and Activities to Improve Softball Pitching. ... Hitting Drills For Baseball - How to Perfect Your Hitting Skills in Baseball ...
Softball Hitting Drills - Hitting the Numbered Ball
Oct 9, 2009 ... Are you tired of the basic softball hitting drills you have been engaging in again and again? Well fret no more as with this new softball ... is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit now!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Important Role of Softball Drills in Winning

The Important Role of Softball Drills in Winning
By Marc Dagenais
In any kind of sport, it is always true that practice makes perfect. You need to work hard in order to become a skillful player. You should multiply your skills and abilities to have a better chance of making the best player in your chosen sport. Of course your coach has an important part in your quest. Your coach will be your guide and will tell you what skill should you put more focus on and what are the drills you should practice.
In the field of softball, softball pitching and hitting are two main keys to win the game. You should use a good combination of this in order to have a higher chance of winning. You need to practice more to improve these skills. Softball drill will help a lot to multiply your skills in hitting and pitching.
Your coach should have enough knowledge about the different softball drills so that you can choose the most effective drill.
Some common softball drills which can you incorporate in your everyday practice are:
· Back Knee Down
The main purpose of this drill is to improve your upper body strength and quickness. It is done to decrease the lower body movements like lunging and upper cutting. It focuses to keep the barrel above your hands. The use of proper timing is also essential in this drill.
The drill can be done by using a low T. the hitter will kneel on a towel with the back knee positioned in 90 degree angle. The shoulders should be level on plane. You can also do it in a soft toss as long as the bat will hit the ball.
· Hitting Fungoes
It is the drill that improves the action of the hand, shifting of the weight, downward swing and follow-through.
There should be some players staying on the deck. They will be the one to hit the fungoes toward the direction of the fielders on the side of the infield. You should have four hitters in each of the three hitting stations. The hitters will take a certain number of swings and then rotate at the back of the line of the next hitting station. The hitter should complete the rotation passing the three hitting stations. After the rotation one line can rotate to the infield spots and the infielders can come to hit the ball. You should hit the top half of the baseball using a short, downward swing.
· Draw a Line
It is for the purpose of practicing the moving of the hands to the ball. It will also develop the speed and strengthen the lead arm.
To start with the drill, the batter will estimate the stance even without holding the bat. The lead hand should be in its normal position with the thumb up. The hitter then will draw a line across her chest and then extends the ball.
· Snap Backs
It will multiply the quickness of the hands, small stride, and forearm and the strength of the wrist.
Your player should have corresponding partner. The partner will stand six feet from the batter and will toss the ball in the fastest speed towards the contact point of the strike zone. The hitter standing up will drive one ball after another into the net taking the swing and snapping the bat back to the staring point.
· Quick Hands
It will surely increase your ability in quick hands, backswing and compact swing.
First the tosser will stand in front of the batter and behind a screen with 15 feet distance to the hitter. The batter will positioned the bat pointing the tosser, then return the hand back quickly, and then forward again now hitting the tossed ball.
Mentioned above are some common softball drills to keep you at the top of your game.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
Article Source: is the ultimate online fastpitch softball online store. has Batting Trainers,Pitching Training, Training Bats,Defensive Training Equipment,Coaching DVDs & Books, Softball Pitching Machines, Softball Complete Net & Frame Batting Cage Packages, Batting Cage Nets, Protective Practice Screens and Nets, and BatAction Hitting Machines, and much, much more. Visit now!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Four Little-Known Baseball/Softball Training Secrets, PART 1

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Four Little-Known Baseball/Softball Training Secrets, PART 1
By Steve Zawrotny Steve Zawrotny
Level: Basic
I do private & group baseball pitching and hitting power instruction in the Oklahoma City, OK area, along with writing and developing cutting-edge training programs ...
Train for POWER
Baseball and softball are not games of strength, but of EXPLOSIVE POWER. Just how strong do you have to be to pick up a 5 oz baseball, or a 30 oz bat? On the other hand, propelling that 5 oz ball 90+ mph, or hitting a ball 400+ feet with that 30 oz bat requires tremendous power - the ability to perform work. In this case, the work of playing baseball and softball at a high level.
In both games, while they can be slow in duration, the various activities that comprise a game are short and quick. Rarely does a play take longer than 6 or 7 seconds. There are exceptions, of course - an inside the park homer, or an extended rundown or "pickle." But, for the most part, things happen very quickly on the diamond.
Why does this matter to you?
Well, let me ask you this: how often have you heard coaches tell pitchers to condition themselves by running laps - Long, Slow Distance (LSD) training, or to spend a lot of time pedaling a bike?
If you've been around as long as I have, you've seen this a lot. Here's the problems: these coaches (and many players) incorrectly think that LSD (or aerobic) conditioning improves player performance. In fact, studies show the aerobic demands (the amount of oxygen needed by the body) of baseball and softball to be very low.
In fact, the oxygen uptake of a baseball pitcher (the most active position) is a low 45% of the maximum needed. Apparently the rest pitchers get between each pitch and in-between innings is sufficient to replenish the main energy system used.
Baseball and softball are considered to be "alactic anaerobic" sports in terms of the energy system utilized, with pitchers in both sports the busiest players on the field. What this means is that there is little to no lactic acid buildup as a result of this activity. That burning feeling you get when you lift weights really hard is a result of a buildup of lactic acid, a by-product of that (and other) short-term, intense types of exercise.
Have you ever heard of a ball player complaining of this problem?
Consider the baseball pitcher: it takes about 0.15 seconds from the time the front foot contacts the ground until the ball is released. Very little lactic acid can be built up in this short burst of activity. The primary source of fatigue in pitching is not metabolic, but neural. [1]
Again, why does this matter to you?
Because studies show that LSD training significantly detracts from power, strength, and speed development.
Reduce these characteristics, and you educe your ability to throw with high velocity, hit with power, and run at high speed. Look at the bodies of sprinters vs. marathoners. You don't have to be built like a sprinter to be successful as a ball player, but this illustrates how training affects one's body, conditioning, and hence, ability to perform.
Put another way: Train Slow, Perform Slow.
As mentioned earlier, aside from the game itself (which can be be long and slow) things happen quickly on the ball field. Playing softball and baseball requires high velocity, ballistic movements like throwing a fast, well located pitch, taking a hard swing at this high velocity pitch, and exploding out of the batter's box to sprint down the first base line.
So how should you train?
To augment the aforementioned activities, concentrate on developing power, flexibility, and speed. Weight lifting, plyometrics, flexibility, and short burst sprint interval training should form the basis of conditioning for baseball and softball players.
[1] Gambetta, V. A Big Windup. Training & Conditioning, p. 43 March 2003
Steve Zawrotny, MS, CSCS 405.373.3253 FREE REPORT: "Harmful Resistance Exercises Baseball/Softball Players Should Avoid" VISIT:
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Good Articles on Softball Hitting

Good Tips on Softball Hitting
A Softball game is a type of specialized game or sport, which necessitates focus, stamina and attentiveness. One of the imperative skills that a player must and should characterize in this field of sport is the ability to do an extremely good softball hitting. This is not as easy as you think because it really requires your determination and self - discipline in filtering this nature of skill.
Tips on How to Improve Softball Hitting
Softball Hitting is definitely one of the most complex and stressful roles to play when engaging in the softball sport. A lot of people engage themselves in this kind of sport because they believe that this cannot only develop them physically but mentally as well.
Must Have Equipments For Softball Hitting
Softball is considered as one of the most popular games in the world. This is played by people of all ages all over the world. Even if it is a game that is hard to play, a lot of people are still enjoying playing softball because it brings tons of challenges.
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