The Important Role of Softball Drills in Winning
By Marc Dagenais
In any kind of sport, it is always true that practice makes perfect. You need to work hard in order to become a skillful player. You should multiply your skills and abilities to have a better chance of making the best player in your chosen sport. Of course your coach has an important part in your quest. Your coach will be your guide and will tell you what skill should you put more focus on and what are the drills you should practice.
In the field of softball, softball pitching and hitting are two main keys to win the game. You should use a good combination of this in order to have a higher chance of winning. You need to practice more to improve these skills. Softball drill will help a lot to multiply your skills in hitting and pitching.
Your coach should have enough knowledge about the different softball drills so that you can choose the most effective drill.
Some common softball drills which can you incorporate in your everyday practice are:
· Back Knee Down
The main purpose of this drill is to improve your upper body strength and quickness. It is done to decrease the lower body movements like lunging and upper cutting. It focuses to keep the barrel above your hands. The use of proper timing is also essential in this drill.
The drill can be done by using a low T. the hitter will kneel on a towel with the back knee positioned in 90 degree angle. The shoulders should be level on plane. You can also do it in a soft toss as long as the bat will hit the ball.
· Hitting Fungoes
It is the drill that improves the action of the hand, shifting of the weight, downward swing and follow-through.
There should be some players staying on the deck. They will be the one to hit the fungoes toward the direction of the fielders on the side of the infield. You should have four hitters in each of the three hitting stations. The hitters will take a certain number of swings and then rotate at the back of the line of the next hitting station. The hitter should complete the rotation passing the three hitting stations. After the rotation one line can rotate to the infield spots and the infielders can come to hit the ball. You should hit the top half of the baseball using a short, downward swing.
· Draw a Line
It is for the purpose of practicing the moving of the hands to the ball. It will also develop the speed and strengthen the lead arm.
To start with the drill, the batter will estimate the stance even without holding the bat. The lead hand should be in its normal position with the thumb up. The hitter then will draw a line across her chest and then extends the ball.
· Snap Backs
It will multiply the quickness of the hands, small stride, and forearm and the strength of the wrist.
Your player should have corresponding partner. The partner will stand six feet from the batter and will toss the ball in the fastest speed towards the contact point of the strike zone. The hitter standing up will drive one ball after another into the net taking the swing and snapping the bat back to the staring point.
· Quick Hands
It will surely increase your ability in quick hands, backswing and compact swing.
First the tosser will stand in front of the batter and behind a screen with 15 feet distance to the hitter. The batter will positioned the bat pointing the tosser, then return the hand back quickly, and then forward again now hitting the tossed ball.
Mentioned above are some common softball drills to keep you at the top of your game.
Marc Dagneais is Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to access our directory of FREE softball drills!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais

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