Girls Fastpitch Softball Hitting Tips
By Guest Author: Marc Dagenais
All games require energy, concentration, alertness and staying power in order to achieve one goal - to win! In softball game, these behaviors must be in attendance to every player of a team. When you engage into this game or kind of sport, there are certain things that you need to take serious of and to consider. And, softball hitting is one of those many things which you are required to make focus on because hitting is the best way in order to win in the game.
Here are some strategies for you to be able to deal with softball hitting:
· The first important thing in hitting is the weapon that you are using in striking or hitting a softball - the bat! It is very essential for a player to have a good bat and when we say well, it involves the features of it, for instance the size. You should consider the size of the bat when buying one. And, you should be able to get used to it or go well with your bat; it is like you have the connection from both of you. Size is important in terms of your speed, for some players want a big bat that can somehow help them to strike, however having a weighty one is not suggested by experts, and it really should be of a good size to help you out in when you swing it with no difficulty and within your control. The best part is to use the bat to strike the bottom part of the softball.
· Focused - mind is needed in softball hitting. It is pretty important when striking because your attentiveness on the softball tells and describes how good and brawny you are in the game. You should be able to keep your head in one place and in one course, for this will help you out to put your 100% focus and awareness to the softball and in order to make a nice strike. Keeping your focus steady and secure towards the ball, will provide you time to guess your accurate timing in hitting the softball.
· Hands are also playing as one of the most important parts in softball hitting. They are the ones who make hold of the bat and striking the ball in a very nice manner depends on how will you hold your weapon. You should not grip the bat too tight or too loose, just handle it in a relaxed way and be certain that your fingers are in a proper position when you are holding the bat to give you comfort. This will certainly give you a good speed when you strike the softball and give you much awareness to hit than how will your hands move when you make a strike.
· Your stance must be at a good place. You should make your knees bend and allow your feet to carry out your body's weight and have a distance between your feet, enough to make you at ease with your stance.
You should give enough time and effort when practicing these softball hitting strategies for you to achieve your goal - to be triumphant!
Marc Dagenais is a Softball Peak Performance Coach that helps softball players turn their athletic talent into extraordinary performances and help coaches get more out of their players, turn their struggling team around or get an edge over their opponents. Visit us to sign-up to get our FREE softball pitching tips!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Dagenais
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