by Guest Author Becky Wittenburg
Girls' softball - like any other sport - requires both practice drills to hone technique on the field and a conditioning program to increase strength, enhance performance, and decrease the risk of injury. An effective conditioning program will include flexibility training, cardiovascular training, weight training, and agility training. Players who train hard will become more well-rounded athletes and be more physically and psychologically prepared for competition.
Flexibility Training
The first step in a conditioning program should be flexibility training to get muscles loose and warmed-up for the rest of the training session. Start with a couple minutes of light jogging, then move on to stretching. An effective stretching program starts with the ankles and moves up throughout the body, including the calf muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, back muscles, shoulders, neck, and arms.
For proper stretching technique, hold the stretching position until the muscles relax, and then increase the stretch to the point of feeling resistance. Stretching presents a good opportunity to increase body awareness; athletes need to know not to stretch any particular muscle too far for risk of injury.
Cardiovascular Training
Cardiovascular, or endurance, training increases the muscular and respiratory systems' ability to perform over time. Programs that increase heart rate while working the body are ideal for cardiovascular training.
Encourage athletes to join a gym that provides guidance and equipment. Classes in aerobics, spinning, and kickboxing all present a great endurance workout. Players who prefer to work out alone can use treadmills, Stairmasters, and elliptical machines. Those who do not want to join a gym can participate in a running or biking program that provides regular endurance training.
Weight Training
Weight training not only builds muscles, which will enhance performance on the field, but also reduces the risk of injury. However, before an athlete begins a weight training regiment, she needs to be properly trained in using the equipment.
While softball players want to primarily build up muscles in the legs, torso, abdominals, and arms, they should also work the rest of the body, including the back, shoulders, chest, and wrists. Because individual players are at different stages in development and have distinct body types, it is difficult to present one universal weight training program. Athletes should work with their coach or a trainer to develop a program that works for them.
Agility Training
Agility training increases players' ability to execute moves quickly and effectively on the field. Athletes should focus on increasing balance and developing acceleration. Exercises that include line jumps, quick sprints, lateral maneuvers, backpedaling, and bleacher steps will increase balance and explosiveness. Softball players whose bodies quickly and accurately respond in any situation will be an invaluable asset to their team.
And if you'd like to see more free softball drills and coaching tips, go here to watch a free video:
Becky Wittenburg is a kids softball coach, and the owner and publisher of, the web's #1 resource for softball practice drills, tips, and coaching ideas for youth and high school coaches.
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Check out these video demos of some of the most popular baseball training products on today's market. Click below and see the Advanced Skills Tee, Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer, and the Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine.
--Video of the Advanced Skills Tee is used by a college hitter during a hitting drill.
--Baseball Batting Tee - The Advanced Skills Tee - Baseball Trainer
--Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine - Youth Baseball Batting Trainer - Youth Hitting Drill
--Joe Mauer Quick Swing Trainer - Demo Tape Shows How the Machine Loads, and Operates During Use.
--Derek Jeter Hurricane Batting Machine - Baseball Backyard Batting Trainer
--Derek Jeter Hurricane Hitting Machine - The Backyard Basketball Goal for Baseball Players
--Youth Baseball Batting Trainer - Hitting Drill
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